April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. This event is intended to raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving and encourage motorists to reduce distractions behind the wheel.
You can play your part this month (and every month) by following these steps to avoid distractions while you drive – keeping both yourself and others safe on the road.
Put away your phone – Be sure to silence your phone and store it in a location that is out of reach while driving to lower the temptation to check it.
Plan your trip before you leave – Program your GPS prior to hitting the road to get familiar with your journey and feel confident in your route.
Don’t fumble with your playlist – Select a radio station or plug in a predetermined playlist before driving to limit music adjustments behind the wheel.
Secure passengers – Ensure any child passengers are properly situated in car seats (if needed) with seat belts securely fastened. Keep pets stationary in the back seat.
Store possessions appropriately – Make sure to store any items in your vehicle securely to keep them from moving around during your journey. Refrain from reaching for items that shift as you drive until you are safely parked.
Avoid multitasking – The road should be your sole focus while driving. Never complete additional tasks – such as eating or personal grooming – behind the wheel.
Set expectations – Ask anyone riding in your vehicle to stay in their seats and keep distracting conversations to a minimum.
Check out the link here for more information and tips on this topic.